Reply To: Charges against Derek Chauvin

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Doing my best

For all you no intent whatsoever people, an officer called in a code 2, non emergency medical assistance, for a bleeding mouth. (Mouth wasn’t bleeding btw), a minute later an officer called in a code 3 (emergency medical assistance needed). After this Chauvin has his knee on Floyd’s neck And asks, “what’s the matter, man?”, Floyd says “I can’t breathe”. Chauvin responds “so get in the car”. Floyd says “I will”. Chauvin screams again “get in the car”. Floyd says again “I can’t move”. Chauvin says yet again “get in the car” At this point Floyd begins crying, “mama” Chauvin says again “get in the car” Floyd cries “mama”. Chauvin says “get in the car” Floyd said “I can’t” Chauvin “get in the car” Floyd gags and is silent.

Are you telling me that Chauvin didn’t realize that his knee is stopping Floyd from “getting in the car”? Or more likely, he was playing with Floyd.

The video showing clearly what happened from start to finish is called “How George Floyd Was Killed in Police Custody | Visual Investigations” on YouTube In the New York Times channel. (Yes, I know they are liberals and probably photoshopped the whole thing 😉 )