Reply To: Charges against Derek Chauvin

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Ubiq -“I’m not sure how you know that”

The Video.
For s/o who claims he watched the video – I Guess you didn’t watch all of them.

“b. Even if that is the case, how does that allow for assault after he is unconscious?”
Again he probably didn’t know that. It was a Volatile Scene. He probably saw his eyes closed – SO WHAT?
When EMS came he gave over care to them.

“source please”
I worked in NYC EMS. The rules & laws are probably the same all over.
Just like – you can’t commit murder in the US.

“thanks I already cited the releent part to you.
“…. 3. Causing someone’s death without intending the death of anyone, while committing a felony other than criminal….. conduct ….or a drive-by shooting….”

Stop LYING! Placing a guy under arrest with Restraint, when two minutes ago he was Resisting, is Legal, Not a Felony! No Matter how many Times you POST THAT!