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Dear Two,
As I mentioned, I do not have an opinion (yet) on this. Let us explore what the range of possible is.
a. True. Inner city communities are generally underfunded. (They do not vote much or participate.) There is not much extra room because they do not hold hope for revenue increases. There used to be advocacy to spend less on policing bad neighborhoods, and more on policing the surrounding areas. (I believe this was implemented successfully in Brooklyn.) Today, they are advocating to have smaller a police force, and more social spending. (They think the two problems are related.)
b. As noted above, police do a lot for us that is not law enforcement. (We call Hatzolah and other organizations. They only call 911.) Basic education, youth centers, etc. are connected with decreases in violent crime.
f. Please name these politicians or point give a quote. I am not sure what you are referring to. The ‘Defund the Police’ idea is from community activists. Not politicians.
g. Only part of the force, polices violent crime. In my understanding of ‘Defund’ that part of the force would remain, and probably get higher salaries and more resources. If we abolish then the Feds or State Police handles violent crime. This is done in some countries. However, there does not seem to be any real traction for ‘Police Abolition’ now. So, there is not much written on how it could work.
h. Strong policing is necessary when there is strong incentive to commit crimes. Nobody claims that strong policing will turn Ferguson, Missouri, into Irvine, California,
I. It is not new. But the Mishna is pointing to a complete or competent government. One that is unbiased toward it’s citizenry. Which is where racism comes in.