Reply To: Freedom of Speech

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Ben Levi

It is mind boggling to me how completely devoid of historical knowledge Liberal Jews seem to be.

the Jewish people have thousands of years of experience in exile. We have been kicked out of one country after another.

for the last couple of hundred years we have been fortunate enough to find refuge and prosperity in this “Medinah shel Chesed”

It was named that by our grandparents who lived through the horrors of the countries that we were in previously.

Do you think they came to a country that loved them?
That was free of Anti-Antisemitism?
If you know anything about the history of the United States you know that the History of the United States is replete with Anti Antisemitism at every level. Look up a synopsis of the video Gentlemens Agreement.

Yet still they moved here.
Still they prospered here.
Still we thrived here.

Because even though we were hated by many.
Even though Anti-Antisemitism was rife.
The founding bedrock of the United States was one thing.
You can have beliefs I believe are abhorrent,
You can hate me.
But as long as I don’t act on them.
As long as I do not try and force them on you .
You have Freedom.
Freedom to worship as you wish.
Freedom to talk as you wish.
Freedom to dress as you wish.
Freedom to live where you wish.

The second those freedoms are compromised.
We are all in danger.
We are a minute minority.
Do you really think that Liberals will stand up and defend our right to teach Chumash the way we wish?
Do you really think they do not find ideas in the Torah to be contrary to their belief system?

Do you really think the heads of the BLM movement who have expressed their intent to destroy the nuclear family to respect out family way of life?

The only thing that differentiates the USA from most of the Arab world where a Jew cannot live.
From England of old which banned Jews from living there.
From Spain, Portugal, & the rest which kicked out all who did not convert is simply Freedom.

And as Jews we should know that.