Reply To: any predictions on what will be with the economy?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee any predictions on what will be with the economy? Reply To: any predictions on what will be with the economy?


Amil Zola,

You correctly mention many problems we face but they are all addressable with the right leadership. It would take a lot less money to pay the rents and mortgages of the people facing homelessness than it is taking to prop up the stock market — but only Democrats are talking about that. Brick and mortar retail was dying even before the pandemic; hopefully the reduced demand for retail space will reduce the rents of the businesses that survive. The cost of drought relief would be even less than rent relief, although we do need to take some constructive steps on climate change in order to prevent future droughts. A free trade President like Biden could end the tariffs on his first day in office, ending that problem. Manufacturing in the US was actually doing pretty well prior to Trump but his trade wars disrupted supply chains and increased costs for US manufacturing. Manufacturing employment wasn’t increasing not because we weren’t making things but because efficient factories are now almost completely automated; future employment will be of engineers designing the factories rather than semi-skilled workers working in them.

I am an optimist that we will overcome.