Reply To: Plan to Move to EY

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Dear Hakatan,

Your historical presentation is very cryptic. I expanded it for you.

Unfortunately, = It has enabled the survival of half of the worlds Yidden.

about a century ago, = Your problem is the Third Aliyah?

the Zionists = Were opposed to the Third Aliyah. But The Alter transported his yeshiva to Chevron at this time. And Rav Isser Zalman as well.

invaded = Legally purchased the Valley of Yizrael. Which was a desert, and shortly became the most fertile land in the country.

large parts of E”Y = a few hundred farm like settlements.

and = Weizmann and The Labor Party saw their main goal as not instigating any conflict.

declared = Independence after the rulers of the land left.

a State = Was conferred on them by the gentile nations.

there = Never endeavored to go anywhere else.

while falsely = thinking that Religious Judaism had met it’s end in the Holocaust. This reflected the popular sentiment of the times.

claiming = A Biblical Right To the land.

to represent = The Religious parties that were all united at the onset of the state.

the Jewish “nation”. = Which was also somewhat united. The Conservative Movement was still largely viewed as within the fold. Reform Congregations had kept to themselves. The cration of the state, would bring their interests back toward Jewish interests, and away from (purely) secular ideas. And every group was still picking up pieces from what had been shattered in Europe.