Reply To: Are YWN liberals “woke”?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Are YWN liberals “woke”? Reply To: Are YWN liberals “woke”?


Sadly, its become impossible to engage in rational dialogue, if the question become either “who is better for the yidden” or the alternatives are framed in totally extreme terms with little basis in fact. As just about all of the “never trumpers” on this site have said in different ways, NO, Biden is not our ideal candidate and yes, there are growing numbers of extremists on the democratic side whose views are dangerous and generally rejected by the party mainstream. For many of us, its incredibly frustrating that our political system has become so polarized and incapable of pushing forward the “best” candidates both parties could offer. At the end of the day, we believe that the WH incumbent is so far over the line that it poses real threats to the viability of our democracy. I understand others see it exactly 180 degrees differently. I respect their beliefs but NOT the person they believe in.