Reply To: Supreme Court Packing

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what is your view on the updated Biden’s position on packing – he will tell us some time before election. That is, he can’t say he will not to lose one group of voters, he cannot tell us he won’t not to lose another group and, well, he apparently cannot say nothing as he is losing a third group …
maybe we can find his positions on Hunter’s Mac?

Love his position.
I personally hope we will pack the court. However as it would scare some people away, I dont want him to lose votes over it. And I dont feel strongly enough about it that his not willing to pack the court would make me vote against him (hard to imagine any such person)
So not saying anything is the perfect strategy.


No the democrats are being (more) consistent. Their position is simply: follow precedent
in 2016 the precedent was to nominate and hold hearings even in an election year.
Then it changed that we no longer do that.
So Democrats say ok, fine follow the new precedent

Republican’s are now saying No we changed outr minds again, “Do what you can changing the rules as you go.”( my choice C above, As always grants) Democrats will know once again follow this precedent Ok do what yu want to get ahead, this includes court packing.