Reply To: half-sour pickles

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To CTLawyer: My one experience with homemade pickles ended badly. A good friend brought her homemade pickles to my parents’ house. The jar could not be opened, so my father punctured the lid with an awl, and the juice sprayed everywhere – ceiling, windows, father, floor. The pickles were good, but not worth the mess.

And, fyi, I like jarred gefilte fish, though the homemade I have had is better. Who makes the pickles and gefilte fish in your home – if it’s your wife, you should have given her credit.

In Israel, among my Mizrahi mishpacha, they joke about Ashkenaz gefilte fish – too much sugar. That’s ironic, because my Ashkenazi mispacha who visit Israel claim the Israelis, especially the Mizrahim, use sugar in their gefilte fish, which tastes weird to their Ashkenazi palates.