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“They insisted Trump was delusional and a pathological liar.”

He is indeed both delusional and a pathological liar.

” A week after the election Pfizer announced the vaccine. Has one person admitted they were wrong or lied about Trump’s great work to fast track a vaccine?”

The lie was by Mike Pence, trying to take credit for the fast track of the vaccine. Pfizer did a rare thing for a corporation and turned down the government money. It developed the vaccine on its own without government help in partnership with its German partner company Biontech. Pfizer did not participate in Warp Speed.

If it really works, the vaccine is a huge success for Capitalism, Globalism, and Immigration. (Pfizer was founded by immigrants to the US and Biontech by children of Turkish immigrants to Germany.)

Conservatives used to love free market capitalism. Then came Trump.