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Reb Eliezer

In this week’s parasha Miketz we find an implication for Chanukah. Yosef said וטבח טבח והכן the last two words טב חנוכה tav Chanukah, why here and why tav and not tov? The midrash says אתה שמרת השבת עד שלא נתנה, חייך שבן בנך עתיד להקריב בשבת, you kept shabbos before it was given, I swear that your grandson will do the sacrifice on shabbos, so the shevet of Ephraim will sacrifice on shabbos at the dedication of the mishkan. The Chasam Sofer answers the kashye above of טומאה הותרה בצבור the impurity was pemitted in a tzibur, so why was the neis required in the first place. The mishkan was completed on the 25th of kislev but was posponed to Rosh Chodesh Nissan when the avos were born because it would not have come out that Yosef’s shevet sacrificed on shabbos, so Chanukah came about to be repayed for the day. Now if we apply this rule of permiting tuma, what did we gain as tuma, impurity is on the level of shabbos which we did not want to violate with the sacrifice.
As mentioned above the Rabbinic prohibition of tuma became enforced with the neis of Chanukah and that is the implication of the word tav, good in aramaic rather than tov, loshan hakodesh.