Reply To: Corona Chillul Hashem (again)

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I agree something seems off,

“Either they are incredibly stupid or arrogant to think they wouldn’t get caught. Or there is more to the story”
It is probably the former. They didnt realize what a fuss people would make

within hospitals there are fights over vaccines. Do security guards get? receptionists ? administrators etc. Everyone insist they are in contact with Covid pts

I am not eligible yet , the distribution in NYS is being done by hospitals. I am not a hospital employee, I am in private practice aka “voluntary staff” I see Covid + pts daily (not suspected, positive) many of them daily. I get to watch politicians and others who have sero exposure to covid get theirs.

see NYT story “Hospital Workers Start to ‘Turn Against Each Other’ to Get Vaccine”

Then I get forward that some group in boro park is giving it to “health care workers” those “at risk”

now I dont care that much, since I am young, had had covid and giving to elderly /at risk might make sense but the state was clear that at this vaccine was for “The first New Yorkers to receive the vaccine will be high-risk hospital workers (emergency room workers, ICU staff and Pulmonary Department staff), nursing home residents, nursing home staff, followed by all long-term and congregate care residents and staff, EMS workers, other health care workers, coroners and medical examiners. Staff at every hospital will have access to the first vaccine allocation.”

Note: NOT for elderly, or at risk (yet)

When I got word that friends who are not healthcare workers but older than I, fine . but many doctors/nurses I know seeing Covid pats daily were Livid

This was (or should have been) predictable

naturally many complained to the state