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There are a good number of Chabad Shluchim whose children are enrolled in the BY on line school. Those who want their kids to get a college education, have found these are far more recognizable and accepted for college credit/admissions, as well as state required testing for high school diplomas.
Re: on-line classes, listening in or participating
Over 10 years ago I taught a section of Family Law that met Tuesday and Thursday nights. It was limited to 20 students in the class live and 20 on live. The on line students watched a live stream, but could not interact during the lecture. They were encouraged to email questions. During the 10 minute break, I reviewed the emails and attempted to respond during the second hour.

I taught a 3L level wills and trusts specific to CT (school was in MA, but many students were from CT and would practice here. This was a small class of about 12, so we used Skype with full interaction with those in the class and those participating remotely.

Zoom classes in our area have been a failure, too much freezing and bad wifi in area of a small town. Our Public schools are using Google Meet with better success. Those attending in person go either Mon/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday in order to keep class sizes down and observe social distancing. No in school students on Wednesday…the buildings are deep cleaned then. Requiring teachers to deal with in school students and remote at the same time has been a failure. So there are time periods when in school students have specials (music, art, gym) that the classroom teacher interacts with the children at home. After the year end break, grades 2-5 are expected to resume 4 day in person learning. Middle school and high school cannot resume this because there is not enough space to establish more classes for social distancing.