Reply To: trump haters?

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emes nisht sheker

Second what Syag says!

To be honest, I have only really seen the middah of hate driving a person, and people so filled with it, when it comes to Clinton, not Trump (at least in the frum community).

With Trump, it seems that some here are confusing hatred with opposition to the things he does. In simple terms, I assume you would be disgusted if someone were to scam someone. You might even after that decide you dislike that person for scamming other people (e.g. Madoff). The disgust or even hatred of the person, is ultimately driven by the behavior that runs contrary to acceptable behavior that underlies our society. With Trump, he constantly engages in unacceptable behavior, whether in his personal life, the way he speaks, or his actions to hurt Democracy. That is all that drives the views of the frum people opposed to Trump. If it results in people hating Trump that is just the end of being constantly disgusted by his vile actions. With Clinton on the other hand, the hatred is what drives everything else and like you expressed is very troubling to see that frum Jews can feel that way.