Reply To: Can you erase my messages I mean your messages, I mean my…

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Can you erase my messages I mean your messages, I mean my… Reply To: Can you erase my messages I mean your messages, I mean my…


Ubiquitin-“I’m sorry I upset you (though I’m still not quite sure what it was) I hope we can be friends again”

-im not upset sure we are not enemies. It was probably the fact that you wrote suggesting that if someone wants privacy then theh must be doing or saying something wrong. I mean people go to the bathroom should they just leave the door open? They aren’t doing anything wrong right? Same goes for conversation and anything else. This ideology of hey I’ve got nothing to hide is the reason why we are in this situation in the first place, having all the big tech spying and collecting data on everyone. Since people say they have nothing to hide then they are ok with it. Even though recently people are waking up and relaxing they aren’t comfortable with being recorded, video,audio, pictures, and all their other data being collected.

“YEs, though not as odd (depends on how unflattering) Though I dont think its odd to ask them not to send it around, regardless if they are decent person they wouldnt send around such a picture and would delete it.”

-then why is it ok to request it for a picture but not message isn’t it the same concept? No I didn’t mean they would send it around but the fact that it exists there is always a chance it’ll end up somewhere nowadays even unintentionally.

What I was referring to asking someone to delete messages was regarding if you had a bad day, maybe had to vent etc. I would gladly delete a conversation thread if someone told me they are uncomfortable having those messages in a history. I don’t see what the big deal is or why someone would get offended. It’s only the fact that it’s their phone which makes the situation tricky. But again maybe I’m just an easy going guy.