Reply To: Biden’s Foreign Policy

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Biden’s Foreign Policy Reply To: Biden’s Foreign Policy


Huju -“The billions that Obama “gave” to Iran was Iranian money over which the US had no rights.”

I give you Libs credit – Never let an opportunity to defend Your Leftists Lying go to waste!
It’s an abomination what Obama’s administration did!
Which the guy who was VP – his name was Biden.

From Brookings Institute:
“The settlement announced in January involved two parts: return of the $400 million principal and payment of $1.3 billion in interest.
To return the principal, the Treasury, working with the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, made a $400 million wire transfer from DFAS to the Swiss National Bank. The $400 million was then converted into Swiss francs and withdrawn in franc banknotes, which were transferred to Geneva. On January 17, the banknotes were disbursed to an official from the Central Bank of Iran”

Why would you give the Main Sponsor of Terrorism in this world – $1.3 billion in interest?!?
What? Was the King Obama scared that Iran would take the US to the World Court?!?
Since we now know that Iran Never kept the Nuclear agreement in it’s entirely, this is an Abomination!