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you seem a bit confused about the constitution
1. The constituion protects you from the government. Twitter (and YWN) can silence nay view they want. In fact those who oppose this right and insist on usint the government to force Twitter (or YWN) being forced to publicize views that they don’t want to , are in fact agaisnt the 1st amendment

2. The 2nd amendment for the 1st 2 centuries of its existence was understood as applying to States not an individual. Granted in 2008 this original interpretation was overthrown by 5 activist justices legislating from the bench So currently that is the law and any attempt by Congress to regulate (dont forget “Well-regulated milita” ) will need to conform to that. It is disingenuous to say that the original 200 year interpretation before it was overthrown by what Burger described as a “fraud” is “destroying the 2nd Amendment”