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Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee How are you cleaning your face mask for Pesach?馃樂 Reply To: How are you cleaning your face mask for Pesach?馃樂


common, you are asking in essence – would I follow someone’s opinion without applying my own intellect (and giving an example of a ruling that to my best knowledge nobody gave anywhere)? just because that person is a Rav of some city? The Rav is appointed by a kahal, not by Moshe Rabbeinu. So, you can not imagine that one can be in a city where they select a person who is not worthy listening to? or makes bad mistakes? Rambam does not think so in Halakhot Dea, ch 6, he even thinks that this happened quite often in his times.
讜职讗执诐 讛指讬讜旨 讻旨指诇 讛址诪旨职讚执讬谞讜止转 砖讈侄讛讜旨讗 讬讜止讚职注指诐 讜职砖讈讜止诪值注址 砖讈职诪讜旨注指转指谉 谞讜止讛植讙执讬诐 讘旨职讚侄专侄讱职 诇止讗 讟讜止讘指讛 讻旨职诪讜止 讝职诪址谞旨值谞讜旨

Torah also lists karbonos for leaders’ mistakes before regular people. Again, please do not misconstrue this as saying I’m only accepting opinions that correspond to mine, you are asking me to accept an opinion that is, in no particular order: not issued by others; is contradicted by a large number of Rabbis and official organizations; clashes with multiple government regulations in numerous democratic jurisdictions; clashes with scientific facts and opinions that I am qualified to verify; risks human lives; has no visible benefits.

And, with all of that, you seem to object to an idea of simply asking for explanation of the psak? Conceivably, the Rav knows his community better than I do. Maybe the situation in the community is so dire that if one person wears a mask, it will depress everyone, they’ll take kids out of school, kids will stop keeping Shabbat and start doing drugs. And I did not think about it, and the Rav did. I see myself accepting this explanation. I’ll probably move away, without anyone’s feelings hurt. But you seem to be saying that I should accept unquestionably just because someone passed a shulchan oruch exam and got hired by a kahal.