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Reb Eliezer

I am on my own as my wife passed away around eleven years ago and my children are married away from home. I am happy to be invited after more than ten days after my J & J vaccination. In ho lachmo anyo we invite people in our house but the door is closed. The Binah Leitim explains that we want to make our guests feel good by telling them that we were in the same boat like you are. We also came from poverty as our guest. It says ויסב אלקים דרך המדבר ים סוף Hashem sent us in a round about way through the desert, so the midrash says מכאן שאפילו עני שבישראל לא יאכל עד שיסב, we see from here that even a poor person from among the Jews should not eat until reclining. The question is that yasev is used with two different meaning? They answer that when Hashem led the Jews, they had nothing and had to completely rely on Him. Similarly, the poor person can trust Hashem that he will be helped and sit reclined.