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March 31, 2021 11:04 am at 11:04 am
Reb Eliezer
Steinzaltz changed the tzuras hadaf and removed hagohus, so we avoid him and Rebbi Meir looked at names which is translated to Netziv Melach. The Churban came because of sinas chinom, so Meshiach comes when we have unity. I think he is wrong. There is a cute story where Meshiach comes and goes to a shul wearing a hat with the brim turned upwards, so he is told, we wear the brim over here downwards. He goes to anorher shul having it downwards, he is told to wear it upwards. When he goes to another shul, they tell him, what do you need a hat altogether. He says, I am going back, you can’t even agree on a hat.