Reply To: Driver Safety

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like normal midwestern driver, maybe? not like normal NY driver …
Can someone look up safety metric by state? and per mile driven as Europeans drive less.

There are various defensive driving skills – do not try to outrun others, stay away from huge trucks and cars with mattresses on top, do not stay in blind spot…

And then there is courtesy, some halakhic: do not overtake the bus (a number of Rabbis are quoted on that, although I take an exception when I have more kids in the car than there are people in the bus); buy a drink in the store on the highway if you are using a bathroom (R Yaakov Kamenetsky)

I also try to see how many people I can waive through while driving somewhere – the more the better, a good game for the kids. You end up coming 2 minutes later but in much better mood.
Sometimes there are hard choices – you may let someone in, but the guy behind you is fuming…
This may require a shaila..

A general problem with courtesy on the road – people do not see each other’s face, so they forget that these are people, not self-driving cars. Ever tried to cut someone off and then recognizing the driver?