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“” I expect that, in the future, frum families will, CORRECTLY , cut corners on the “requirements” I described and thereby sustain the frum lifestyle””

You are clearly saying that at least some of your requirements should be changed philosophically, not just practically. As Avram pointed out, do you believe in cutting down on mitzvas peryah verivya? The minimum is a boy and girl, but the mitzvah is to have as many as possible. Cut down on yeshiva/beis yaakov? That is the very source of the continuity of klal yisroel. Have women go to school after seminary? That’s already happening 90% of the time by Litvishe women. They’re not going to New York University though, so maybe they should in order to get better educated about why they should be feminists and BLM activists with pronouns in their twitter profile. Maybe that’s what you want out of klal yisroel.