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FS -“Most of the RCT’s on that website for ivermectin have extremely small samples and/or data quality issues.”

I really don’t know what your purpose of your post is.
That’s why I call Fauci and the rest of the government Genocidal!

Let me explain you something – these vaccines are Not the solution.
I think it’s a start – I’m not against them.

There are many other Drugs that are useful for treating Covid 19.
Eg. – Zinc & Quercitin.
That’s how you practice medicine.
Eg. – If one antibiotic isn’t working, you try another. It helps if you do a C & S.
That’s with Bacteria, Covid is a Virus.

If you go to the site I provided -“c19early. com” – click on Ivermectin.
I’m not gonna post the whole site, but this portion on Ivermectin:

“All studies 58% 63studies 92.1% 1 in 1 trillion 68% improvement – RR 0.32 [0.25‑0.40] p < ”

It works.
So does other therapies that are posted on