Reply To: Cheilek Eloak Mima’al

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Cheilek Eloak Mima’al Reply To: Cheilek Eloak Mima’al


for all those who are arguing against the baal hatanyah, be careful. be careful with what you say because whatever you think about this topic, its a fact that the baal hatanyah was: 1 a great talmid chochom ( MUCH greater than anyone here who is arguing so would know about this topic aand wrote chelek elokah mimmal mamash for a reason) 2. a tzadik 3. one of the magids foremost talmidim.
so whatever you do, be careful that you do not say something disrespectfull, even bordering on that about this great tzadik
just a warning as it seems as some are getting close to doing this