Reply To: Black and White

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Black and white dress clothes is a sign of chashivus, as we, the yidden, are representing Hashem and the Torah. Therefore, the common thing is to wear nice clothes to represent this with a sense of kavod. In addition, it distracts someone much less from their exterior if they are just wearing pretty much the same thing every day, and it makes it so they don’t have to spend hours looking for the right clothes or trying to look the coolest- because everybody is dressed the same. Also, it gives your personal sense a much more chashuve feel to wear nice clothing- it is much harder to sit and concentrate in learning while wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Another reason is to seperate ourselves from the goyim and show that we are at a higher level than them.
In any case, a white shirt is what the yeshivishe oilam wears, so if somebody is not wearing that, it is not actually a chisaron in the person (If you put a white shirt on Rav Chaim, he is still the gadol hador, the shirt doesn’t take anything away), but if they choose to wear something else, it shows that for some reason, they refuse to comply with what the rest of the yeshivishe velt is doing, and they don’t want to be part of it. it shows that they hold what the yeshivishe oilam does might not be correct, and they want to associate with a different velt.
Well, I hope that’s good enough.