Reply To: 80 Years Today of Pearl Harbor Invasion

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It seems that we mostly agree that learning quick lessons from history is presumptuous. On the other hand, as RebE says the lessons are surely there, whether we are talking Shoah or Covid or any other world event. After naviyut, it is said that the way to interpret is through midah k’neged midah, but supposedly we are not smart enough to see that nowadays also.

Maybe a practical path would be to generate possible hypotheses of midah k’neged midah, verify that they are not simply your personal/group bias (blame every event on smartphones), and carefully verify that possible solutions are not against halakha or have danger in them (for example, create machloket by by blaming some group of Jews). Then, emphasize those areas, understanding that this may not be an ultimate answer, but something that is worth working on anyway and is a possible path for us to take.