Reply To: “Frum” therapist

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee “Frum” therapist Reply To: “Frum” therapist


I agree with note above that this post is more likely posted out of ignorance than any stupid effort to troll. Every activity a yid engages in during the course of a day, whether in his/her professional life or personal life, carries with it some degree of moral and spiritual risk. We have rabbonim who have used their positions of authority to engage in abusive and predatory behavior. We have recent episodes of a highly respected frum rav placing cameras in a mikvah to photograph women he was assisting in conversion. We have had frum medical professionals engaged in sexual assault. Hopefully, the OP will reflect on the underlying contradiction of his question. Now, more than ever, we need MORE not fewer frum men and women entering the mental health field and offering greater access to mental health services.