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Saying that slifkin is an apikores isn’t lashon hora when the guy js practically proud of how far he can push the envelope and still, in his mind, not be considered an apikores. He thinks in his delusional perspective that he’s an heir to the rambam and “rationalist” rishonim. Of course he never bothers to explain what gives him the right to side with one supposed group of rishonim over another, especially after hisgalus hakabalah.

The gedolei yisroel said that he wrote kefirah; is there room to be dan him separately from his books? It doesn’t really concern me, because i don’t think much about him as a person, but rather the damage he has wrought with his books that are full of heresy.

He started out as hashkofically off, just saying that chazal made a mistake or two about science. That’s assur to say because we don’t pasken like rabbeinu avrohom ben horambam, but the road he went on afterwards was far, far worse; it’s a road travelled only by karaites and loopy figures in the middle ages who aside from academics, almost no one’s ever heard of.

He had a personal faith crisis because of his knowledge of zoology not meshing with chazal. He then expressed these issues for the masses to read. The gedolim called him out on it and he went more off, as the mishnah says not to debate with a jewish apikores, because all he’ll do is פקר טפי.
