Reply To: Ukraine Fundraisers

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Dovid c

I spent a some time in Ukraine and the reason the Chabad shlichim are there is because there are tens of thousands of Jews that live there and have lived there their entire life but know nothing about Judaism and need help. The communists destroyed religion. The Shlichim have orphanages, old age homes, shuls, chevra kadisha and soup kitchens among other things. The reason they are there in the first place is to help other Jews physically and spiritually.
As to the reason why they have a bunch of different fundraisers and there is not one Chabad fundraiser, the way Chabad runs is each shliach fundraises independently which eliminates the bureaucracy and ensures that your money will reach the people in need without all the people taking cuts along the way.
Why have you never heard about all this? That’s because of some anti Chabad feelings by some in the charedi media which sensor to to some degree Chabad. As an example, the Hebrew yated just had an article about the Jewish communities in Ukraine and didn’t mention Chabad!
I think support Chabad (maybe Harav Bleich – I don’t know because I wasn’t in Kiev)
