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Vayikra: Control

Why does Hashem want us to bring Korbanos? There’s nothing we can give to God – what does killing a few animals do?

The Sefer HaChinuch explains that by “sacrificing” some of our livestock, we are acknowledging that nothing we have is truly ours to begin with. When we bring a Korban, we remind ourselves that everything is only from Hashem.

With this, R’ Aaron Lopiansky explains why Korbanos are compared to Tefilah. Why do we need to ask Hashem for anything?
Doesn’t He already know what we need?

The answer is that when we Daven to Hashem, we are acknowledging that only He has the power to help us. Everything belongs to Hashem, and only He can control His world.

לע״נ דוד חיים בן ישראל דוב הכהן
לע״נ ר׳ חיים דוב בן ר׳ בןציון שלום