Reply To: Communism 🐷💰

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Marxist, great to see a real marxist on this board. Viva diversity! As relevant to this board, one of your namesake’s early writings (that is indicative of where he comes from) is a polemic with some German anti-semite pastor who wanted to assimilate Jews. Marx turns the question around and shows that all the world evil comes from Jews who initiated trade and capital accumulation, so he suggests saving the world _FROM_ those evil Jews. Sounds like an ominous starting impulse both for Soviet and Nazi anti-semitism. You probably know more on the matter and can enlighten us on this.

Avot d’Rabbi Natan supports this position: Hillel, I think, on the road – asks some farmers how much is their wheat. They say two dinars a bundle. He goes further, meets another group – they answer 3 dinars a bundle. Hillel tells them that he saw another group for 2. They say – we travelled from far away and worked hard, so we deserve 3 and quote “the reward according to the effort”. He tells them – (communist) fools! Meaning that reward goes by the effort in Torah learning, but not in business! In business, you charge according to market price that signals to you that maybe you should not shlep wheat to another country and lose money! Those were early commies who demanded to be paid according to planned economy, whether their work was efficient or not.