Reply To: January 6th Committee Hearings

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee January 6th Committee Hearings Reply To: January 6th Committee Hearings

Amil Zola

CS, please attempt to stay on topic. The convo was about the hearings and viewing the same.

I didn’t see any evidence that the stream I was watching was being edited while I viewed it. Or if there was some microsecond delay to accomplish such feats. I watched the hearing on a live stream, not a net work stream.

Certainly the video clips of the riot were edited. There has got to be hundred of hours of film of this devastation, it all cannot be played at a hearing or series of hearings. The committee did credit the sources of the videos and one documentarian was questioned. I’m sure there are complete transcripts of the hearing available online for those who wish to follow them without viewing the actual proceedings.