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Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee WWRAS-What would R’ Aharon zt”l say? Reply To: WWRAS-What would R’ Aharon zt”l say?


Just to come in as someone that actually learns currently in BMG
I’m B”H part of a nice size group of guy that are learning 10+ years I can tell you that a large part of them finished a majority of shas and halacha you can practically just ask them anywhere in learning and you will see the most Unassuming ppl have a Wealth of knowledge
In regard to Materialism you only see what you see you don’t see what you don’t if I tell you that most of them NEVER went out to eat don’t lease cars don’t eat take out don’t have cleaning help some don’t even have cell phones and they come everyday rain shine snow heat
And no they don’t have any money but they come just to learn

Don’t be blinded by the stores and the other ppl walking around with all the extras Focus on the real ppl the ones holding up the world
Yes rabbi Aaron is very proud that he created a place for such ppl to come and become what they are