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B”H I live in a place where as one Ruv put it, “Our communities Mesorah is Shalom and Achdus.” Seeing Modern Orthodox and Chasidish Shuls doing joint celebrations is heart warming. When the Chasidish Rebbes, Agudah Ruvs, and the Modern Rabbi that uses a microphone and has a minimum Mechitza and open parking lot all work together with Kavod and Shalom it sends a powerful message to the Kehilla. But what really gets me high is seeing school videos where Modern Orthodox, Yeshivish and Chasidish children all go to school together. When I read in other places people argue how children need to go to separate schools based on shirt color, Shul they Daven at, shetiel length, etc. it breaks my heart since I don’t understand why and its surely keeping Moshiach away.