Reply To: Which country had the most Tzadikim?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Which country had the most Tzadikim? Reply To: Which country had the most Tzadikim?


Reb e, my education was also very weak – i grew up in modern orthodox fantasy land where nobody knows anything – there’s no excuse. I woke up, picked myself up, and had people teach me learning skills. I spent 2 years in a lower shiur to learn how to make a leining on gemara, tosfos, maharsha, maharam shif. Then i went to a higher shiur where my head was on a rollercoaster ride everyday.

I’m also not especially smart. Anyone can do what i did. They chose to chase after havlei haolam and not only not care about learning, but deride those who do, and think that because they can name all the kings of the shvatim that they know more than a kollel man.