Reply To: Most Jewish Communities=No Mesora

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I think that many people don’t understand what mesorah means. Mesorah does not mean that we have to dress the same or have the same dialect of Loshen HaKodesh than how klal Yisroel dressed or spoke when they stood at har Sinai. The Yidden in different generations and different geographical regions all spoke and dressed differently and had different minhugim, that does not mean their mesorah was broken. The Yidden during the times of the destruction of the Beis Hamildosh, approximately 1,000 years later than matan Torah, did not speak the exact same dialect, did not dress exactly the same as their ancestors 1,000 years earlier and had many more minhugim that Yosroeilim at Har Sinai. The Babylonian Jews, the Greek Jews, the Caucasian Jews, they all spoke and dressed and had different traditions. That is not unbroken mesorah. The Jews who migrated to Europe 1,000 years ago, which also includes the ancestors of the Sephardim, did not have a broken mesorah just because they did not dress the same, had different traditions and different dialects than other Jewish communities spread throughout, who each had their own dialects and traditions.

Mesorah is the unvoken and untampered chain of halacha and the concept of Hashem is One God whom we serve and abide by His Torah that was written and transmitted to us by Moshe Rabbeinu. From then on on the midbar, it was taught to the Yidden, and taught and taught, from leaders of klal Yisroel, from father to son, from Rebbe to student, from mother to daughter. Although our dialects are different, our minhugim are different, our dress is different, we have the same mesorah going back to Har Sinai.