Reply To: Is a Kashrus Agency the Moral Police?

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sorry for the late reply
None of your examples are true

“For example, giving a Hechsher to water that comes directly from filtered water pipes (zero chashash for grapes, etc.). Have you ever heard of “kosher” water??”

I dont understand this example, Are you saying it isnt kosher? How is this an example of them not following shulchan aruch. Water is kosher and they certify that it is. What is the problem?

Another example is a Hashgacha requiring the food manufacturer to use ingredients/components only with THEIR Hashgacha.”

This is not true. kashrus agencies regularly allow ingredients from other agencies that have similar standrads. There is an organization AKO that sets/discusses these standards.

You claim to be “an adherent of Emes. ” Yet to back up your claim
“50% of the decisions, operations and Hashkafa of most hashgachas have nothing to do with Halacha. You guys know that right?” You could only come up[ wit htwo examples one of which is not against halacha, and the other isnt true.

Presumably these are your better examples of your “50% of decisions” claim
Looking forward to you becoming an adherent of emes, and acknowledging that you made that up