Reply To: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra”

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Both of my posts are my own translation from the original.
The original hebrew version can be found on the internet.

A side note on the page has the words of Rav Yerucham Ginsburg shlit”a as follows.

The interpretation “Peshuto Shel Mikra” demeans the sanctity of the Torah, and interprets many things in their own opinion, completely not as the Torah intended. It also brings the words of the Ramban in twisting his intention, and when studying such an interpretation, the reader will start minimizing the sanctity and greatness of the Avos Hakedoshim.
And instead of our knowledge and belief that their lives and their words were all in loftiness and great madreigos the reader will come to crooked De’os, R”L.
Surely it is forbidden to study in such an interpretation!

And many, many times this bad interpretation goes against the interpretation of Rashi and the interpretations of Chazal and minimizes the greatness and holiness of the Avos ,R”L, and woe to the one who wrote these words!
And who requested that they come to cool the words of our Torah, which are like coals of fire, and our Holy Torah, of which we have no idea of ​​its Exaltedness, Greatness, and Holiness.
“Strangers came and defiled it”, and all their words are a great obstacle to many.

There is no room for a Limud Zechus of such a Perush.

And what is printed on the cover of the book ‘quality books’ is not comprehensible at all, because it has no “quality”, nor is it even a Sefer.And it is a terrible bizayon to our holy Torah that the Chumash was printed with such malicious “commentaries”.

And CH”V, that in the Holy Chadarim where they study with the ” Tinokos she Beis Rabban”, the dear Melamidim and Morim who come to implant the Torah and the fear of God and the greatness of the holy Avos in the hearts of their students who thirstily drink their words, will use words of malice and the opposite of this goal.

Chaim Yeruham Ginsburg