Reply To: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra”

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Avira > if chazal were around today, they would institute a bracha “shelo asani moderni”

So, do you think Rambam would change some of his scientific and medical writing based on current information? Would he update, say, his recommendations on how long to sleep with an iPhone app recommendations? And if yes, what sources will he use? Would he go to yeshiva students who learned his old seforim (and then sometimes overrule him with later sources), or will he go to the physicists, psychologists, economists who else know what the halakha requires (say Dr Schroeder, R Twersky, R Aumann) …

Do you think amoraim who discuss all kind of medical and nutrition recommendations will look at what modern dietologists are saying? I am not saying that they’ll go to college to get degrees. Maybe they’ll simply learn English, public health, statistics. Maybe they will ask someone in Lakewood to translate “Nature” into Aramaic …