Reply To: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra”

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra” Reply To: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra”


Mdd – if you think I’m a kanoi….i have some rabbonim to show you who make me look tame.

As for the narrative being presented of the supposed two batei din and their supporters/distributors – simple question; where’s the proof?

Lakewood and many Brooklyn roshei yeshiva supported rav Shmuel aurbach; that is consistently being used as a way of spinning political controversies. Show us the evidence; when i read through the narration, i just skimmed the details and waited for a mention of some source to back up the claims – surprise, surprise…not a single one!

The founder of michlalah is not a “yerushalmi with long payos,” that much i know. He was controversial. I don’t know to what degree.