Reply To: The Haredim are the most voluntary sector in the State of Israel!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee The Haredim are the most voluntary sector in the State of Israel! Reply To: The Haredim are the most voluntary sector in the State of Israel!

Avram in MD


“When you don’t have a full-time job, you’ve got lots more time on your hands to volunteer.
When you do have a full-time job, you do not.
And when both husband and wife are working full-time, as is common in Israel, you REALLY don’t have time for volunteering.”

Nah, I know lots of couples married and both working full time who have tons of free time. They leave work and eat out, perform in orchestral groups, play sports, go to movies, etc. Certainly much more free time than parents at home with multiple young children.

“Only stating my opinion that the higher rate of volunteerism in the EY haredi community relative to the EY non-haredi community is not necessarily due to their moral superiority, but to their having more time on their hands.”

Nobody even claimed that it was moral superiority. The OP brought the statistics to counter those who call Chareidim parasites, Your response is to lecture us about how full time workers are the ones whose tax money pays for the social services the Chareidim use but presumably don’t pay for. Which is a more polite way of calling them parasites. If the Israeli government is hurting so bad for tax revenue, how about removing the barriers that prevent more Chareidim from getting better jobs?