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Daas, it says it’s like teaching her tiflus – you don’t get schar on teaching her tiflus…, But the words of the rambam are very clear:

A woman who learns torah gets schar, but not like a man, and even though she has schar, chazal commanded us not to teach them, because most of them make Torah into stupidity

Then the rambam quotes a chazal, that teaching torah to girls is like teaching them tiflus, and then adds bameh davarim amurim – qualifying it as going on torah shebichsav, – you’re assuming that this phrase is only going on the last thing he aaid, which is not true – if something is tiflus, theres certainly no schar! Torah shebichsav doesn’t become tiflus; it’s a lot harder to make stupidity out of chumash than it is gemara

An exceptional woman who learns both torah shebaal peh and bechsav does have schar, since she’s not learning tiflus.

But most of our girls are not, and likely no one alive today is, if most women in the rambam and chazals time were not on the level to learn torah properly, when they grew up in houses full of lomdei torah.

So for almost or all girls learning today, they do not get schar if they learn gemara.