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Dr Peper

While on vacation ponder these not-hypothetical situations:

Use your same Family A and B only instead of Family B getting sick

Mr A suffered a heart attack. Ambulance took rushed him to the hospital a stent was placed and he did well beiung discharged 3 days later. Unfortunately the hospital was out of network. His Three day hospital stay now costs him 250,000. (His fault for not chckign with his insurance while having his heart attack, I mena how lazy can he be!?)

Does the government have the right to put a $250,000 lien on Mr. B’s house and seize the $10 he has in savings in order to save Mr. A?


Mr A. gets diagnosed with Colon Cancer. It is operable but needs to be done quickly. His insurance company denies the claim because they looked bakc at hsi application and he wrote no medical condions yet as a child he had asthma (“grew out of it” and wsn;t on meds for years when filled out form)
Does the government have the right to put a $3000,000 lien on Mr. B’s house and seize the $10 he has in savings in order to save Mr. A?
(spoiler alert they didn’t, and by the time he got insurance company to agree to pay the tumor had spread and was no longer operable)

We could go on. but the point is , Health problems are more driven by “bad luck” than by how prepared you are (thats not to say living a healthier life style doesnt play a role)

So it has to work both ways if Mr B should help Mr A then the reverse is true.
Now you could argue no in those cases too bad on Mr A. It’s each man for himself. Consistency is key