Reply To: Using Baby name Sivan help

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Hi! Sivan here! I must say, I found this quite entertaining to read. Lets begin with the response you have all been waiting for (since 2017). First of all, I am from America and nobody I have ever met says “why did your parents burden you with that terrible name” nor have I ever thought to myself “woe is I, what an unfortunate name I have. why do my parents burden me so?!” In fact, most people I meet (Jewish, Israeli, and goy) all exclaim that I have a beautiful name and they love it! They then ask the meaning, which to clarify, is the months of May-June (not thorn, bush, season, etc). I was in fact born in the month of Sivan, which is where I got my name from. I personally love my name because I like being the only person named Sivan in all of my classes in school, etc. I am grateful my parents did not choose a common name for me. It sets me apart but Israelis (and American Jews) still know that it is a name that exists and they are not extremely shocked and horrified when they hear it. And by the way, no matter what Jewish or Yiddish name you give your child, if you live in America, every non-Jew will probably find it strange no matter what. I would like to conclude this comment by saying that if you find yourself have a baby girl (as it is a feminine name) in the month of Sivan and like the name (like my parents did) you should use it and not worry about the so-called “burden” it will be for your child. And to everyone laughing about the fact that it is a month- tell that to the people named Nisan, Adar, May, April, August, June (Yes- all of these are names that I have heard).