Reply To: Brainstorming an Alternate Term for Boyfriend/Chassan and Girlfriend/Kallah

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Brainstorming an Alternate Term for Boyfriend/Chassan and Girlfriend/Kallah Reply To: Brainstorming an Alternate Term for Boyfriend/Chassan and Girlfriend/Kallah

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Thank you all! I apologize if the original question was too vague. I didn’t mean to ask how one should introduce their date to someone they run into. The question—which was lighthearted and sincere, with no trolling or digs intended—was really like this:

Imagine a young man or woman who is dating someone very seriously, and an engagement is imminent. One of them is planning an outing with a group of friends of the same gender. This group is aware of the existence, and perhaps even the name, of their friend’s significant other. The group begins discussing times and/or dates, and our young man or woman, concerned as to how this outing might interfere with their dating life, says, “I can’t commit yet.” When asked why, they reply, “I have to see what the story is with “________.”

That blank spot is where you come in. How do we fill it? Here are our suggestions so far:

[Insert name].

The one I’m seeing.
The one with whom I’m ‘keeping company.’
The Bachur/girl I’m going out with.
The boy/girl/person I am dating.
The boy/girl/person I am seeing.
The one I am courting.
The person I am courting.
The one I am wooing.

My Shidduch.
My Inyan.
My Shmerel or Yoily/Shprinza.
My friend.
My date.
My boyfriend/girlfriend.
My charge.
My trainee.
My Ahuv/Ahuva

For woman only:
My sister.
My woman.
My Isha.
My potential acquisition.

So far, I love “my Inyan.” And my Inyan loves it too!
But can we get widespread adoption of the term? Do we have any other suggestions? Thank you!