Reply To: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee 30000 frum people have a kosher phone Reply To: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone

Avram in MD


“The tremendous impact to today, is that made many yeshivos even more deaf to their bachurim. I wasn’t referring to just group. Though most of them wasted a lot of their capabilities.”

This is disingenuous. Above you stated that this yeshiva “killed … a half dozen bachurim”, and now you’re retreating and making some sort of vague complaint about how yeshivos don’t listen to kids these days and it’s all the anti-smartphone movement’s fault?

“While addictions can ruin a bachur, it takes the hanhala to ruin a zman for everyone.”

Better a ruined zman than a ruined bachur.