Reply To: Exciting Facts that we’ll have by Geula

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“I am confused – to what degree we expect rules to change in bm3? Chofetz Chaim wanted Yidden to learn kedoshim to be ready. Now, we here that radom CR posters will wander around like they are kohanim gedolim as long as they see themselves “on the level”

are you familiar with the 2 time periods of ימות המשיח? The first 40 years will be עולם כמנהגו נוהג, and the second will start with תחיית המתים and be miraculous.

I’m not sure which time period it would fall into- it would make sense that it would be the second for several reasons. But I don’t have an explicit source though for when, just logic.

Even someone who was a kohen couldn’t just become a kohen gadol because he wanted to (except for the time of corruption when the kohen gadol died every year). I assume there will be some sort of committee set up to ensure only people who are at the proper level will be allowed entry. It makes no logical sense that the holiest place in the world would be disrespected by being open to anyone to randomly walk in, when even the smallest Rebbe has a shamash who ensures there’s order and respect.