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Hi. Yserb – see responses below.
Even accounting for suicides, violent deaths by deadly weapon in the USA are on par with countries like Somalia. Places France, Finland, Australia, and other countries with heavy gun control, have a percentage of a percentage of violent deaths that the US has.
Criminals in the US have easy access to black market guns because there are so many gun in the US. So allowing unlimited guns for law abiding citizens just puts more guns in the hands of black marketers and criminals
First, if you remove suicide and remove gang on gang violence, there is not very much gun violence here. Any gun violence is bad, but the former two categories illuminate a very great proportion of gun deaths in this country. Obviously, there will be more gun deaths here as compared to England or Australia, as they have no meaningful gun possession. That is not the important metric. The important metric is moderate. in this country, we see crazies murder people with guns, but in England it is knives to the extent that they are talking about outlying knives and asking people. Do they really need to have so many knives? People are people. And people murder. The overall murder rate is what is most important, not the narrower gun murder rate. In fact, London and New York have similar murder rates. London, in fact surpassed New York recently, even though there is no significant number of guns there.
I’ve spoken with people who are into dangerous weapons. They come in all shapes and sizes. By and large one common thread is their inability to explain why people need more than one pistol with limited rounds and limited caliber for self-
I have to say, I am extremely skeptical of that. I doubt you include police officers and similar in that. I have taken many training courses from police officers and soldiers. The likelihood that you will keep your cool in such a situation and accurately return fire is small. When there is a police involved shooting the majority of rounds miss the intended target and go somewhere else. And that is train police. If you have three people on a home invasion and you are as accurate as the police, you probably need at least 30 rounds. The reality is firearms and magazines. Last a very long time. The bad guys have them. No one is talking about taking them away from the bad guys. The laws that you and other people are talking about will have no effect on bad guys. Any new law will only affect law abiding citizens.
On a city-by-city basis statistics show no significant difference in break ins for cities that have a lot of guns per-capita than cities that don’t. So the idea that more guns means your family is better protected because criminals are too scared to break in, doesn’t have the data to back it up.
Unfortunately, there are no good statistics. What I mean by that is organizations that are funded to study. The subject are undoubtedly leftist. It would be like asking about the science of abortion. You would first need to know is the study funded by Planned Parenthood or from the Catholic Church. If it is funded by the first, you would expect a certain outcome regardless of the truth, and if it were funded by the latter a different outcome, regardless of truth. The media and academic centers want to disarm United States citizens. There’s no valid reason to trust their data. With that said, there are certainly many defensive gun uses. I think everyone agrees that it is very rare in a defensive can use that a gun will be fired. Usually once the criminal sees that the intended victim as a gun, the attack stops. If I am attacked, I would certainly feel more comfortable being trained, and having firearms rather than all of the advantage on the side of the criminal. I don’t understand why people want to disarm, law-abiding citizens and leave them vulnerable to criminals.
It is an issue of pikuach nefesh because (as I have been repeating time and time and time again) the more legal guns there are, the easier it is for a criminal to get their hands on one. So yes, limiting legal guns in the hands of law abiding citizens is an issue of pikuach nefesh because that would mean less criminals with guns
The argument that we need guns to defend ourselves against the evil US of A holds no water. If the government decides to turn against its people, we’re done for one way or another. Guns aren’t going to turn the tide on an army fighting on their native soil. Just look at the Bundy ranch and what happened when a banda meshugoyim went against the FBI. If you want to look at it from a statistical standpoint, make a cost-benefits-analysis. The current reality of gun culture continuing to take lives is a much higher cost than the small possible benefit that guns will save lives in a very hypothetical apocalyptic future.
Everyone wants to decrease gun violence. Everyone wants to decrease murder. There’s literally no one who speaks publicly who disagrees with that. The question is which is the smarter decision. Let’s say we have around 300 million guns in this country. They are all over. You cannot go back in time and change the past. You can only decide based on reality. Being a smart guy, what would be your prediction as to the consequence if they the government outlaws guns? Few people will turn them in. Just look at the New York State requirement for rifle registration. Nobody complied. Let’s say that you do pass such a law, and every law abiding citizen complies with it. No, not a single law abiding citizen has a gun. How does that change the matter? Obviously it does not. None of the criminals will have turned in their guns. You’ve just disarmed all of the law abiding citizens . I think it would be much more likely that they would be a dramatic increase in crime because the criminals no there will be no consequences to raping and murdering innocent people.
The authorities in California and New York have already decided largely not to prosecute crime. The obvious consequence of that is out there for everyone to see. Look at Portland. Look at Seattle. Crime skyrocketed. Don’t tell all the criminals that none of the citizens are able to defend themselves anymore.
Everyone agrees pikuach nefesh is important. It’s just that the solutions proposed by the leftists seems to me to exacerbate the situation. I think if you’re solutions were enacted, you would find many more people attacked and murdered. Not less.