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CS – outside of chabad, “the rebbe” can mean anyone. If anyone’s noticed, whenever speaking about the Lubavitcher rebbe, i always refer to him as such, even more than once in a sentence. That’s because i don’t appreciate the monopolization of the term “rebbe” being used to denote one specific rebbe, as opposed to dozens and hundreds of others who were greater than he was.

What you describe is similar to how kiruv people “drei” words and ideas to not be combative and be accommodating of modernity as much as possible without breaking halacha or hashkofa constraints. So “feminism” to the Lubavitcher rebbe seems to be a treif manifestation of an overall positive shift that he claims the world is going towards with geulah.

Ok, let that be the case for arguments sake. So is Christianity, according to the rambam. Should we teach people that Christianity is kosher? We have a Torah which teaches us what Hashem hates and what He approves of. Apikorsus is evil and baalei teshuvah need to learn that at some point; it’s not something you lead off with, but this is part of why MO and Chabad churn out half baked gerim and BTs; they pull punches and water things down, either with secularism (MO) or with watered down kabalah(chabad).