Reply To: The official ASK Chat GPT ANYTHING thread!!!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee The official ASK Chat GPT ANYTHING thread!!! Reply To: The official ASK Chat GPT ANYTHING thread!!!


Voila – if indeed my Qs were responded to by ChatGPT – then I’m not impressed (except for the answers given about male-vs-female alcohol tolerance.) But i suspected it would be that way, because the latter has already been researched so it makes sense that the alcohol-tolerance info is retrievable from within the vast cloud, whereas all my other questions, it never occurred to them to research.

None of the other responses gave sources of research-done, so i don’t buy it. And for that matter, even the alcohol-tolerance response didn’t include sources.

Then again, I forgot to request sources. But would it have provided same, had i asked? BTW i requested that it be straightforward and non-evasive, but its wishy-washy responses reminded me of politicians’ evasiveness.